
PO Box 790

Kingston, WA 98376

PO Box 790

Kingston, WA 98376

Corporate and Organizational Partners

Corporate and Organizational Partnerships

Does your organization have a vision to highlight and celebrate its diverse workforce? Do you want to inspire young students to think about careers available within your organization? If so, our organizations can help each other. Here’s how.

  1. Select up to ten (10) volunteers from your organization who celebrate diversity, are multi-cultural and multi-lingual. Because FLY’s curriculum (at this time) focuses on Spanish, French, Japanese or Mandarin, individuals with relationships to those languages and cultural communities are preferred (at this time).
  2. Those individuals volunteer 2-10 hours of their time over the course of 2 weeks:
    • Building a PowerPoint presentation (FLY will provide a template, and detailed instructions to presenters)
    • Delivering their presentation (30 minutes, online) to a group of students from around the U.S.A, grades 4-8
  3. At least one (1) of the volunteers should expect to be the liaison for your organization. The responsibilities of the liaison are to 1) be FLY’s point of contact for your organization, 2) select the volunteers within the organization, and 3) report the results of the program to your organization’s leadership.

That’s it!

FLY will provide:

  • templates, sign-up forms, and instructional videos for delivering successful presentations to a young audience
  • the webinar platform (Zoom) and
  • a FLY Host for each presentation who will introduce the speaker and also monitor student Q&A

FLY will distribute information about your organization’s volunteer involvement to FLY’s distribution network, which (as of 2022) is approximately 138,000 families. FLY’s audience is mainly in Washington, Oregon, California and Idaho, but the organization is proud to have students in many states across the U.S.A.

THANK YOU Boeing Familia!

A special thank you to Suellen dos Santos Frank from the Boeing Familia Puget Sound Chapter, who approached FLY with this idea in 2021 and who volunteered her time as the Program Manager (Boeing Familia liaison) for the first pilot project. Thank you Suellen!

Thank you to the Boeing Familia Puget Sound Chapter Board Members, and volunteer speakers for your passion and energy.

FLY truly appreciates the monetary donation that Boeing Familia Puget Sound Chapter sent to FLY! We are excited to use your donation to further our mission.

Check out the Boeing Familia example program here

Interest Form

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Email (required)

    What is the name of your organization/company?