
PO Box 790

Kingston, WA 98376

PO Box 790

Kingston, WA 98376

Summer Soaring

Access your student's classroom all summer for just $39!

Are you ready to soar?

Any student who has taken a FLY language class this school year (2021-2022) will have access to their Canvas classroom so that they can review material over the summer. Also includes is a whole list of fun activities, songs, books and movies to keep your student learning throughout the summer.

Registration is open until June 20, 2022

The FLY Office will be closed June 21 – August 22, 2022.

Important Information:

  • Comments and messaging features within Canvas will be disabled.
  • Students will not have access to teachers, administrative staff, or classmates during the summer.
  • Classrooms contain books from all prior levels, and videos and worksheets from any blocks they have already taken for that level.